Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fit. ness.

I've been pretty lucky in my life with avoiding weight struggles. My body's naturally been on the slender side, and my sweet tooth doesn't do much damage to the scale. However, I was concerned that by never having to experience this, I was really going to struggle with a work out regimen post-baby. So a few years before I started thinking about having kids, I decided it was time to get in the habit. I would alternate between running and circuit training (usually Jillian Michaels workouts. Can't stand that woman, but her workouts are short and effective.) 6-7 days a week. I even bought a treadmill! Because, let's face it, my clumsy self would never be able to run on an icy MN sidewalk in the winter.

And guess what? I didn't die. I didn't even hate it as much as I thought I would. Actually, I loved it!

When I first found out I was pregnant, I naturally was on the cautious side. It was five long weeks between the positive pregnancy test and when my doctor would schedule my first prenatal appointment. All the books said it was okay, but this being my first pregnancy I wasn't taking any chances. Plus I was sooooo tired that first trimester I had trouble standing let alone running a few miles. Once I got the okay from her to continue my usual exercise, I picked up right where I left off.

I was fortunate enough to be able to keep up with my running throughout my entire pregnancy. Well, almost. I ran slower. Actually, "run" is being generous. Let's say "jog". I jogged up until week 37 before I had too much pain to continue. My biggest obstacle was finding cute maternity running gear that didn't cost a fortune (which I was never able to find while I was pregnant, but I discovered For Two Fitness shortly after delivery. of course.)  And I replaced the higher impact Jillian Michaels with yoga or workouts geared for pregnant ladies.

I did get a lot of "are you sure you should be doing that?" or "you know you're supposed to gain weight, right?" but I know most people meant well. We just don't see a lot of 8-month prego women running the trails around here! And somehow I still managed to gain the recommended 25 lbs.

I had the smoothest labor and delivery possible, I think. I guess I don't really have anything to compare it to, but it was so much better than I ever could have imagined. I progressed naturally and quickly, and the nurses even commented on how quickly I was moving around the hospital afterwords. I don't know if it's because of my exercise routine (studies suggest this to be true), genetics, or just dumb luck, but I know this. I will be continuing it with any future pregnancies I may have.

With my doctor's blessing, of course.

So now what? My first post-partum run was 6 weeks after delivery. I was scared I wouldn't be able to go far, so I set a goal of 2 miles. I made it 3!! I did pretty well with continuing my old schedule of alternating running with circuit training through the spring, but since June I've struggled to find the time. I did one 5k (the Dirty Girl mud run, which was a blast!! totally recommend) in August, and if I workout twice a week I call that a successful week. How do all the working mamas out there find the time? I only get my daughter for a couple hours at night between work and bedtime, and there's no way I'm giving up those precious minutes :) At least I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight shortly after delivery, but I need to get my strength and endurance back!

Hopefully I can get back to where I was....someday.


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