Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Anyone that knows me knows I L-O-V-E birthdays. I enjoy making a big deal about them, finding the perfect gift, card, place to celebrate, etc. Granted, these last few years I've been less than excited to turn a year older (and I have now officially reached my maximum age of 29) but I still manage to have a good time.

Kurt turned 31 last week. It was pretty low key. Ezri & I made him an ice cream cake complete with oreos and strawberries (his favorite mix-ins at the drive-in!) and that was pretty much it. Partly because his birthday has never been a big deal for him, but mostly because we were busy planning Ezri's first birthday party the following Sunday.

Which brings me to....

How is it possible that I have an 1-year-old daughter? I look back on this past year and I can honestly say I enjoyed every minute of it. I know everyone thinks that's a lie. How can you possibly enjoy midnight wakings, changing diapers, teething, and just the basic need to recover from birth? Okay fine. The recovery part wasn't fun. But it went so fast and smoothly I really don't have anything to complain about. I know how lucky I am. Trust me.

And the midnight wakings? Well, Ez was a decent sleeper from the start. Plus we co-slept, which means it was rare if I was sleep-deprived. And diapers? With breastfeeding, those weren't so bad either! And the teething we didn't even notice until we saw a tooth come through!

I've said it before. We have the most amazing, perfect daughter there ever was. Or will be, for that matter.

So what would I do differently? I would have bought a better camera before I gave birth. We were low on cash, and I decided to make due with what I had. I still regret that decision!

I wouldn't have freaked out about "advice" others told me. No one seems concerned that since Ezri wears diapers now, I'll never be able to get her out of them later. The same principle applies to our sleeping arrangement. Babies have different needs, and if I could go back I'd savor every second I had holding her while she slept, rather than worry about when she'll sleep on her own.

And third, I would trust my instincts more. I was so unsure of everything that I second-guessed myself A LOT. My first instincts were usually right on. So my advice to others is to trust yourself.

I'm holding back tears as I post this, because I love verso much and a part of me doesn't want her to ever grow up...

Happy First Birthday Baby Girl. I love you with everything I am.


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